For 18 years, the IMOCE mission has brought peace, light, the Word and love of Christ to many countries. Cuba, Africa, Nepal, Mexico and Ukraine are the countries where our missionaries work, these are the countries that God has pointed out and blessed the ministry. The very first task is to show Christ to every person using the methods of Jesus Christ
The mission IMOCE has established several departments to execute the comprehensive plan of salvation. These departments include the humanitarian, programmatic, Mexican, Cuban, African, and Ukrainian departments. The mission has also initiated several evangelistic projects such as the “Happy Time” children’s evangelistic sites, the “Feed the Hungry” project, humanitarian aid for the needy, support for missionaries in foreign countries, and the reinforcement of churches. We firmly believe that an individual who has accepted Jesus Christ and experienced the grace of God cannot remain silent. Having found the solution to the most significant question in life, which is the attainment of eternal life, one is compelled to share this good news with others. Therefore, they endeavor to spread the message of Christ. They acknowledge that the approach to preaching varies. While some may preach to multitudes in stadiums or cultural centers, others may do so on a smaller scale to their family, friends, and neighbors. Our ultimate goal is that all believers lead by example and preach through their conduct and, where possible, through their words. They, therefore, call upon Christians and young people to collaborate and serve in sharing our faith.