God is the answer to any and every challenge in life. In our fight against sin, and in the pursuit of healing and restoration, we turn to God’s word and find that it is enough to bring complete freedom and victory into our life. The word of God is like a hammer that breaks down spiritual strongholds and casts out the darkness in our soul with a revelation. Knowing the truth, we are set free.


Лидерские Курсы – Школа по подготовке молодых лидеров, на базе Славянского Библейского Коледжа г. Такома

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Overview of Counseling

What is the heart of Biblical counseling? Counseling is walking with an individual through a season of life in which they are faced with trials, temptations, and other challenges in life. A counselor seeks guidance, founded on the word of God, to support and uphold an individual through prayer and mentorship. A counselor can be one who encourages, strengthens, or one who helps an individual get to the root of the problem helping him/her bring it to the foot of the cross to receive freedom healing and deliverance (James 5:16).

How do we understand human behavior? How are biblical vs secular view on psychology different and where is the interlap of spiritual vs medical help? When do I refer an individual who is more adept to help a person spiritually or medically? What are my legal rights and responsibilities?
Common Issues

The enemy came to kill, steal, and destroy. This is true in every aspect of our life. The enemy uses many tactics and is very strategic to get in the way of us, being able to live the abundant life Jesus came to give us. Let’s look at a few issues common in the 21 Century:
  • Identity/Self-Worth – How to walk with someone to know who they are in Christ.

  • Condemnation/Guilt – The slavery of guilt and condemnation and how Jesus sets us free.

  • Childhood Trauma/Abuse – Deep wounds and the consequences they bear. How do you not let your past define you

  • Forgiveness – Letting go of vengeance. Is there ever a good reason to not forgive? How do I bless those who hurt me? Learning to deal with issues before sundown (Ephesians 4:26).

  • Depression/anxiety/substance abuse – How do I see light in the darkness. How can I live a life of Joy? What does the Bible say about anxiety? How do I fight the enemy when we are attacked by our own thoughts? How do I step on a road of freedom and develop new spiritual habits?   
Biblical Sufficiency

God is the answer to any and every challenge in life. In our fight against sin, and in the pursuit of healing and restoration, we turn to God’s word and find that it is enough to bring complete freedom and victory into our life. The word of God is like a hammer that breaks down spiritual strongholds and casts out the darkness in our soul with a revelation. Knowing the truth, we are set free.
Practical Aspects

To provide practical and well-rounded recommendations, it is best to have two speakers share:

  • What does the Bible say about the character of a counselor? Who can counsel or mentor others in their struggles? How does one prepare for a meeting with a counselee/mentee? How can you stay accountable while mentoring others? How do you deal with the spiritual and emotional burden while keeping your counselees/mentees privacy private?

  • What practical steps can you take to prepare for a counseling meeting? During a meeting, when should you listen, ask questions, dig into scripture, give advice, or assign homework? How do you get someone to open and get to the root of the problem? What are some trusted resources that you can go to for help? How can you set up a counseling/mentoring program in your ministry/church?
Progressive Sanctification

Counseling an individual involves bringing them to the cross to see their life challenges through a godly perspective. This involves sharing the good news of forgiveness and redemption to those who are not yet born again. Regarding believers, a counselor supports them in their journey of becoming what God has declared about them in truth (Romans 5:1-5). The doctrine of progressive sanctification declares that we are on a journey of becoming like Jesus. We were created in God’s image and as we worship Him, we are transformed into His image. Sanctification is the process of returning to our original design. Thus, a counselor’s role is to give hope by helping an individual see that challenges are a road to the cross where one receives justification, salvation, and the power to live a sanctified life leading to a life Of Glory
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